1. Get coffee at coffee shop #30: Neptune Cafe
2. Eat dinner at Red Mill Burgers, since we've been wanting to go there for a long time now
3. Attend the Garfunkel and Oates show
We began our BIG DAY OUT by driving to Greenwood.
After walking about a half a mile in the wrong direction (my fault), we turned around and walked the remaining mile to the actual restaurant.We ran into both a mailbox with free poems (that had no poems) and my family's village.
When we got to Red Mill, there was a sign proclaiming that this establishment only takes cash or checks. We had neither. So, Kristy went to an ATM across the street to get some money. We then ate far too much food in the form of veggie burgers, fries, and milkshakes. While we have yet to find anywhere to measure up to Bellingham's Boomers (!!! ahh so good), this place was pretty good, and they also had an interesting taste in music, mostly consisting of gems such as "Let's Get It On" and "Sexual Healing." After dancing at each other from across the table and probably offending some fellow diners with our choice discussion topics, we left Red Mill to head to our third and final destination of the night: Garfunkel and Oates!
The first thing that we noticed when we entered Neptune Cafe is that it looks EXACTLY like the illy shop in the Castro district of San Francisco. Like, a freakish amount. So much so that Kristy was in the middle of a sentence as we walked in and she stopped mid-sentence, looked at me, and said, "WHAT?!" We proceeded to spend the next fifteen minutes discussing the similarities and looking online to see if the two places are in any way connected (spoiler alert: they are not).
We ordered coffee (an americano for Kristy and a latte for me) and sat down at the tables (THE EXACT SAME TABLES FROM SAN FRANCISCO. I SWEAR) to drink them. The art on my coffee was pretty standard, but the coffee was great. The cafe was pretty busy, and the customer base seeemed pretty broad: families, students, friends, people on dates -- they were all here. Kristy and I spent the next hour there drinking the coffee and asking and answering hypothetical questions. The people at the tables around us loved us.
That's pretty much all I have to say about this cafe. The rest of this is completely unrelated. Read on if you'd like to. Don't if you don't want to. You've got options. You do you.
We left the cafe and set out to continue our BIG DAY OUT by walking to Red Mill Burgers.
In our usual fashion, after leaving the cafe, we attempted to take a picture together. However, I could not get it together enough to look like a normal human being. While Kristy looked like a CoverGirl model in every picture, my looks ranged from "enthusiastic serial killer" to "where am i and who are you?" There are a few choice shots for you to peruse.
In our usual fashion, after leaving the cafe, we attempted to take a picture together. However, I could not get it together enough to look like a normal human being. While Kristy looked like a CoverGirl model in every picture, my looks ranged from "enthusiastic serial killer" to "where am i and who are you?" There are a few choice shots for you to peruse.
After walking about a half a mile in the wrong direction (my fault), we turned around and walked the remaining mile to the actual restaurant.We ran into both a mailbox with free poems (that had no poems) and my family's village.
When we got to Red Mill, there was a sign proclaiming that this establishment only takes cash or checks. We had neither. So, Kristy went to an ATM across the street to get some money. We then ate far too much food in the form of veggie burgers, fries, and milkshakes. While we have yet to find anywhere to measure up to Bellingham's Boomers (!!! ahh so good), this place was pretty good, and they also had an interesting taste in music, mostly consisting of gems such as "Let's Get It On" and "Sexual Healing." After dancing at each other from across the table and probably offending some fellow diners with our choice discussion topics, we left Red Mill to head to our third and final destination of the night: Garfunkel and Oates!
(If you are unaware of Garfunkel and Oates, they are a comedy band. They have some... risque... subject matter, but here is one of the family-friendlier songs: Pregnant Women are Smug)
On the drive to the show,Kristy almost killed two skateboarders who seemed to think that the middle of the street in heavy traffic was the perfect place to be skateboarding. Since this has absolutely nothing at all to do with coffee at this point, I'll just say that the show was hilarious and super entertaining and we had a great time. Kristy also discovered her love for Gangsta's Paradise, and I think that's all we really could have asked for out of this day.