Tuesday, May 20, 2014

#36: Cafe Allegro - U District

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a street fair with no idea how you got there?

Kristy and I didn’t feel like driving into Seattle, so we settled on visiting a coffeeshop closer to home in the U District. Besides, we couldn’t be wasting a bunch of time messing with Seattle because we had big plans with Menchies and One Tree Hill later that night. (I finally got Kristy to start watching One Tree Hill; it’s been one of my greatest achievements).

I drove into the U District and immediately noticed that there was too much commotion for a normally-sleepy area on a Saturday afternoon. Then we spotted police cars. And street closure signs. And girls in flowy dresses and flower headbands. And absolutely nowhere to park. That’s when the panic started to set in, as it always does when I am behind the wheel of a car with nowhere to put it. We drove around looking for parking, spotted a few close-to-naked people, Kristy stopped talking to me because I was stressed, and we ended up finding a street parking spot that some angel of the Lord was just abandoning.

Krsity saw a sign and said, “Oh! This is the University Street Fair!” and I realized that I really need to learn how to do research before leaving the house. Anyways, we started walking towards Cafe Allegro. I did, in fact, research the coffeehouse, and many people said that it was a fun adventure trying to find it as it is located in an alley (sorry, Mom).

We were distracted by the fair, the booths, and several choice fair-goers. Then, we heard it. The beautiful, melodic sounds of “No Diggity” coming from a man playing acoustic guitar on a stage. We were drawn to him like moths to a flame. Like Lindsay Lohan to bad decisions. Like nutella to depression. Like Selena Gomez to Justin Bieber. Guitar man ended up doing what I can only assume was a cover of Ed Sheeran & Passenger’s cover of “No Diggity” (hello. watch that here now) mixed with “Thrift Shop.” It was magical. I pointed out that he sounded a bit like Ben Gibbard, and Kristy almost lost it. She has an interesting relationship with Ben Gibbard, but it mostly involves her violently throwing her hand against her heart and staring wistfully into the distance. (Sidenote: She ‘discovered’ Death Cab in 2010). Speaking of interesting relationships, you should ask Kristy her thoughts on Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough if you get the chance sometime. It will be worth your while. She may start crying.

So, after we decided to leave guitar man, we wandered around searching for the coffee shop. I also had a sub-goal of finding a mailbox, which, apparently, the U-District is opposed to, since I couldn’t find one anywhere. That is, until we found the actual Post Office in our search for the coffeehouse. I mailed my letter (actually, it was a bill. I hate bills. I understand Destiny’s Child so much more now that I pay my own bills. #idependonme). Turns out that the alley is actually located right next to the Post Office and from there, Allegro was easy to find.

When you walk into Cafe Allegro, it is immediately very welcoming. The walls are all exposed brick, which I love, and there are event posters and artwork plastered throughout the entire place. There is an upstairs (which was closed for renovations while we were there) as well as a second room with extra seating and live music.

Kristy and I both ordered tall nonfat lattes to-go. We ended up getting the lattes in fancy pint-glasses, which, definitely were not to-go. Unless this café is just super-duper-extra-friendly and wanted us to take their mugs with us. Unfortunately, the coffee was not great. In fact, I actively disliked it, which I think is the first time I’ve said that since I started this coffee adventure. The shots were really bitter and the whole drink just tasted burnt and flavorless. I thought that maybe it was just me, but Kristy agreed with me. I’m hoping that it was just a fluke, because I’ve actually heard really good things about this place before. The place was packed, as well, so it is obviously well-liked by UW-ers.

We left Cafe Allegro after finishing (well, almost, in my case) our drinks and attempted to take a picture together in the alley. It ended up looking like we are announcing our engagement. Sometimes I’m not at all confused why people think we are lesbians. (Sidenote: We still aren’t. Sorry ladies).

We headed back to the car, made a pit-stop at the mall because we both needed to buy work clothes, and then went home to do what we truly were meant to do: eat frozen yogurt while watching attractive people live fictional, dramatic lives. We also did some wall-sits while alternatively harmonizing to the Rocky theme music and rapping along with Childish Gambino. You wish you were as cool as us.

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